Happy happy day! Weird these are Mondays now .... with Sundays being such stress days but it's good!
We went to go visit a less active family this week who apparently has been less active most of their lives .... and the grandma told us how sad she is that no one comes by anymore. They used to always come by, multiple people, every week. Oh how sad. We went home sooooo depressed after that. I never know how to think about these situations but I've learned to just love them and be friends. Encourage them to do good but don't push them. LOVE them! Unfortunately we have a lot of less actives in our area for various reasons. Being offended, family not members and not encouraging them to actively participate, not feeling welcomed, not knowing people ......... but three of them came to church on Sunday and I cannot tell you how HAPPY that was to see them there! One in particular we've been thinking about a lot. Young mother. Hna Scott and I have been thinking of her off and on this week but did not get to talk or see her. I thought of her a few times while we were at church and then after Relief Society (before Sacrament) saw her and had to look at her again because oh it just was a rush of how much I love her! And it was such a joy to see her there!
Saturday we went to a primary activity in the stake for all the 8-11 year old girls. Princess themed activity of different classes for the "Princesses in training." Classes like "fit for a king" "princess diaries" "golden rule" "in the service of your king" Oh my goodness there is no question why I like to write in my journal or do good things: I LEARNED THOSE THINGS IN PRIMARY! These leaders went alllllllll out and decorated and we got all this stuff from it and those girls .... oh man! It was so fun to be there with those girls! Mom I thought of you in the primary and man they are soooo different than youth (who I always think of) but they are so great!
Marcia is one of our only investigators progressing right now and was found in a miraculous way by our ward mission leader a month or two ago. They came to church yesterday (she and her very less active boyfriend) and just love it. She feels loved and this peace and joy she's never EVER experienced before. We went to the Visitor Center last night and walked around a new Book of Mormon art exhibit and it was amazing to talk about the story and the things we can learn from the Book of Mormon! Oh man she is just adorable and so excited to get baptized but doesn't want to rush into it. Love her love her! It helped Elder White (director of the visitors center) and President Ellsworth (mission president) came and spoke to the branch to excite the members about doing their part in reaching 100 baptisms in the branch. We're excited!!!!!
Good week and the weather here has been INCREDIBLE! I think it was almost 80 yesterday and the sun is shining! I will DEFINITELY be mission some of the sun here! I love you all and I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU NEXT WEEK! It will come so I will try and not be too excited as of right now! Thanks for your love and prayers! This is the Lord's work and He is most definitely incharge of it! Love always, Hermana Clark
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
February 1
We had a good week and it ended SUPER well last night contacting a former that I'd visited a few times before. By the end they were so excited to go see the Joseph Smith movie. Do you know why they were so happy to see us? Members have been giving them the New Era and the Ensign and the Liahona and the mom can't get enough of them. She works crazy hours but she is feeling like she needs this in her life now.. Her 14 year old son has every question on the face of the planet (pretty much all being off topic).... but that's ok. I think Hna Scott and I are up to the challenge!
We had exchanges and I was with the infamous Hermana Chaca de Peru! It was such a strange experience because her area struggles with finding people to teach and ..... our area just doesn't really have that. We constantly have to weed people out who just aren't progressing. Tender Mercy though when a member from Arboleda (my last area) was at the building where they go and I got to talk to him about some some things going on. Oh I just love the mission! Hermana Chaca made a dish from Peru that I got a little scared about when she dumped a huge thing of yellow peppers in ...... but surprisingly it was delicious when it was molded and mixed with potatoes and oil (I won't ask what the nutritional value on it is)! I just love that sister and am so excited to hear she would like to go to BYU after the mission!!!!
We continue to have meetings with the branch that are good. Tuesday evening we had really great reuniones with lidres in the rama. It's a continual process and we're excited. Eladio kind of got lost this week but last night we taught him again and he has a date for the 12th now. He constantly is telling his friends to listen to us - great missionary already!
We have a wonderful investigator named Melinda that just turned 21 this week and sincerely desires to know more about God, especially for her 1 year old son, Maxx. She started telling us things that her mom has gone through and her sisters and there is no coincidence we are in their home. We were going through our potential list in our area book (STILLL trying to get that organized!) and about a month ago as I was going through them felt prompted to go to all the homes we had in one area on that list ..... Melinda's home was there. I am certainly glad Melinda requested us because we had it down as an area we can go to but it would not have been high priority.
We had a great night with the Coronel family. The father told us, "this is NOT my time. I DON'T feel it. I'm sorry, but it's not my time. I don't know what will happen tomorrow .... but" So we set up another time to say, "we don't know what'll happen tomorrow ....." We went home and thought, the only reason it's not your time is because you're deciding it's not your time. Next time we saw them we had a great time talking very simply about prayer. We are so excited for them because they're not very far from making the step of coming to church and letting themselves be completely embraced by the members of the branch!! WAHOO!!!!
Hermana Scott and I could talk for HOURS ..... DAYS probably if we had the time. Oh I just love talking to her! Every companion is so special and I am so grateful to be with her, even for a short time! One of my favorite things about her is that she is willing to do whatever someone needs. No matter how big or small, she is there! Whether a shoulder to cry on or a big smile!
We were driving home for lunch Friday when out of my rear view mirror I saw an elderly woman (I didn't know it at the time .... but very few other people drive old Buicks ..... sorry if anyone's offended by that) pull to the side of the road. We turned around to go see if we could help. Someone had been close to hitting her so she swerved and her two right tires were completely obliterated! just shredded! Her name is Nelda and oh what a dear sweet woman! We helped her get into a parking lot and waited until her husband came and we called a tow truck and their service place (Sister Scott's super good at stuff on the phone .....). They have 11 children, I think 3 were theres and they adopted the rest. Just cute couple, both care givers. Anyway, lots more to say about them as we became friends, but it was a cool experience because if nothing else, we just know we needed to be there at that time. Did the mirror say that as I saw her pulling off to the side of the road? No, the Spirit did and we followed. I.want.to.live.my.life.open.to.revelation. Be worthy of the spirit and follow it.
I've been in the end of Mormon and in Mormoni this week. Gosh what if we didn't have Mormoni? Yikes. The Priesthood - ordaining others to the Priesthood, how to administer ordinances of the priesthood. Yeah that's important! I continue to feel like I am watching a movie/story of a friend and his experiences (the prophets) and when they make comments of how things went [my favorite is when prophets said they testified of truth and the people got mad. Yeah ..... well .... Alma .... that's what people do when they're hard hearted!] I just feel like they're telling me their experiences sitting right next to me talking to me.
Tuesday-Friday I am going to leadership training 9-4pm. It should be super good! And HErmana Mazariegos is coming down from Payson and staying with us during the evenings!!!!!!!!!! Horray! So excited to see that hermana again - it's like my sister is coming to visit!!!!!! Well, until next week! lots of love! Hermana Clark
We had exchanges and I was with the infamous Hermana Chaca de Peru! It was such a strange experience because her area struggles with finding people to teach and ..... our area just doesn't really have that. We constantly have to weed people out who just aren't progressing. Tender Mercy though when a member from Arboleda (my last area) was at the building where they go and I got to talk to him about some some things going on. Oh I just love the mission! Hermana Chaca made a dish from Peru that I got a little scared about when she dumped a huge thing of yellow peppers in ...... but surprisingly it was delicious when it was molded and mixed with potatoes and oil (I won't ask what the nutritional value on it is)! I just love that sister and am so excited to hear she would like to go to BYU after the mission!!!!
We continue to have meetings with the branch that are good. Tuesday evening we had really great reuniones with lidres in the rama. It's a continual process and we're excited. Eladio kind of got lost this week but last night we taught him again and he has a date for the 12th now. He constantly is telling his friends to listen to us - great missionary already!
We have a wonderful investigator named Melinda that just turned 21 this week and sincerely desires to know more about God, especially for her 1 year old son, Maxx. She started telling us things that her mom has gone through and her sisters and there is no coincidence we are in their home. We were going through our potential list in our area book (STILLL trying to get that organized!) and about a month ago as I was going through them felt prompted to go to all the homes we had in one area on that list ..... Melinda's home was there. I am certainly glad Melinda requested us because we had it down as an area we can go to but it would not have been high priority.
We had a great night with the Coronel family. The father told us, "this is NOT my time. I DON'T feel it. I'm sorry, but it's not my time. I don't know what will happen tomorrow .... but" So we set up another time to say, "we don't know what'll happen tomorrow ....." We went home and thought, the only reason it's not your time is because you're deciding it's not your time. Next time we saw them we had a great time talking very simply about prayer. We are so excited for them because they're not very far from making the step of coming to church and letting themselves be completely embraced by the members of the branch!! WAHOO!!!!
Hermana Scott and I could talk for HOURS ..... DAYS probably if we had the time. Oh I just love talking to her! Every companion is so special and I am so grateful to be with her, even for a short time! One of my favorite things about her is that she is willing to do whatever someone needs. No matter how big or small, she is there! Whether a shoulder to cry on or a big smile!
We were driving home for lunch Friday when out of my rear view mirror I saw an elderly woman (I didn't know it at the time .... but very few other people drive old Buicks ..... sorry if anyone's offended by that) pull to the side of the road. We turned around to go see if we could help. Someone had been close to hitting her so she swerved and her two right tires were completely obliterated! just shredded! Her name is Nelda and oh what a dear sweet woman! We helped her get into a parking lot and waited until her husband came and we called a tow truck and their service place (Sister Scott's super good at stuff on the phone .....). They have 11 children, I think 3 were theres and they adopted the rest. Just cute couple, both care givers. Anyway, lots more to say about them as we became friends, but it was a cool experience because if nothing else, we just know we needed to be there at that time. Did the mirror say that as I saw her pulling off to the side of the road? No, the Spirit did and we followed. I.want.to.live.my.life.open.to.revelation. Be worthy of the spirit and follow it.
I've been in the end of Mormon and in Mormoni this week. Gosh what if we didn't have Mormoni? Yikes. The Priesthood - ordaining others to the Priesthood, how to administer ordinances of the priesthood. Yeah that's important! I continue to feel like I am watching a movie/story of a friend and his experiences (the prophets) and when they make comments of how things went [my favorite is when prophets said they testified of truth and the people got mad. Yeah ..... well .... Alma .... that's what people do when they're hard hearted!] I just feel like they're telling me their experiences sitting right next to me talking to me.
Tuesday-Friday I am going to leadership training 9-4pm. It should be super good! And HErmana Mazariegos is coming down from Payson and staying with us during the evenings!!!!!!!!!! Horray! So excited to see that hermana again - it's like my sister is coming to visit!!!!!! Well, until next week! lots of love! Hermana Clark
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
January 25
I sit here and just wonder what happened this week? I had a really good experience this week with one of those "shock" moments that was really hard to deal with at the time but after you just kind of laugh about it. I learned a lot about repentance and forgiveness. When you forgive someone, you forget and you don't mention it again. It was a good experience.
CARLOS WAS BAPTIZED and that was a huge event! I think the most exciting thing was when he was confirmed and Hno Luna talked about going to the temple in a year. THAT'S THE PLAN!!!!! What an amazing family and I just love them! They're not friends, they're family!!! His boss was there with his entire family and they've been a huge help in him wanting to go in this direction and finally making the decision to make some changes in their lives!
The night before his baptism we helped Mari prepare her talk and the kids to sing a song and I noticed 2 bottles of alcohol above the fridge! We had fun dumping those out - no need for those anymore!
Yesterday we had interviews and what we call zone development meeting. mission "meetings" have now changed to be much more help for the missionaries. what are the things we struggle with and when we are good we are then able to serve with the Spirit. We talked a lot about working with members and how this is the Lord's work and how we are here to help them with the Lord's work. We're here to strengthn the branch.
President Ellsworth. I love that man, and his wife. When I was set apart it talked a little about my MP and his wife and I am seeing it be fulfilled. I love them. I am seeing how he literally is at this work just like us. He doesn't know everything, but the Lord does. Some changes happened in the mission with companions the other day and it just broke President's heart. Something he felt good about didn't turn out good and ..... there are always lots of questions after. I know though, that he has been called by God to help the missionary work move forward here in Mesa, Arizona.
We went to the temple this morning. I can't wait to do sessions in Spanish in Manhattan! Oh how I love the temple and always want to be close!
Hermana Scott and I are great friends and it's awesome! Love her love her love her!
Something I've learned though, in the midst of changes in the mission and lots of other stuff going on .... is that everyone has a broken heart. Everyone struggles with things that ..... are a real struggle. I feel like I can be so cold hearted towards others because when something is hard for me I don't want any form of love for the moment (maybe just a "I love you. I'm here for you") but no form of give me a hug until it doesn't hurt kind of love. I just want to ignore it and later I will just cry and deal with it at home in peace. What really matters, as in all situations, is what is it that this person needs? That is exactly what I want to do ... not necessarily what I am comfortable with but what THEY need. Is that notwhat the Savior did? He understands us and knows how to succor us. Follow the example of the Savior (what's new?).
Sorry, I feel tired today getting up at 445 to go to the temple. This week was up and down and up and down and up and down. This is the Lord's work and He is in charge of it. I love my Savior. I love learning more about Him each day in the scriptures. Ruego a pattern my life after his.
HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY MADELEINE! It was on Saturday that we talked to a woman in the street from Quebec named Madeleine (she had a heavy french accent) and it was such a joy to talk to her! Hope it was a happy one!
Happy week! Next week we have preparation day on monday because I am going to leadership training Tuesday-Friday 8am-4pm. It will be good! I enjoyed reading Mormoni 10 this week about gifts of the spirit! Much love! Hermana Clark
CARLOS WAS BAPTIZED and that was a huge event! I think the most exciting thing was when he was confirmed and Hno Luna talked about going to the temple in a year. THAT'S THE PLAN!!!!! What an amazing family and I just love them! They're not friends, they're family!!! His boss was there with his entire family and they've been a huge help in him wanting to go in this direction and finally making the decision to make some changes in their lives!
The night before his baptism we helped Mari prepare her talk and the kids to sing a song and I noticed 2 bottles of alcohol above the fridge! We had fun dumping those out - no need for those anymore!
Yesterday we had interviews and what we call zone development meeting. mission "meetings" have now changed to be much more help for the missionaries. what are the things we struggle with and when we are good we are then able to serve with the Spirit. We talked a lot about working with members and how this is the Lord's work and how we are here to help them with the Lord's work. We're here to strengthn the branch.
President Ellsworth. I love that man, and his wife. When I was set apart it talked a little about my MP and his wife and I am seeing it be fulfilled. I love them. I am seeing how he literally is at this work just like us. He doesn't know everything, but the Lord does. Some changes happened in the mission with companions the other day and it just broke President's heart. Something he felt good about didn't turn out good and ..... there are always lots of questions after. I know though, that he has been called by God to help the missionary work move forward here in Mesa, Arizona.
We went to the temple this morning. I can't wait to do sessions in Spanish in Manhattan! Oh how I love the temple and always want to be close!
Hermana Scott and I are great friends and it's awesome! Love her love her love her!
Something I've learned though, in the midst of changes in the mission and lots of other stuff going on .... is that everyone has a broken heart. Everyone struggles with things that ..... are a real struggle. I feel like I can be so cold hearted towards others because when something is hard for me I don't want any form of love for the moment (maybe just a "I love you. I'm here for you") but no form of give me a hug until it doesn't hurt kind of love. I just want to ignore it and later I will just cry and deal with it at home in peace. What really matters, as in all situations, is what is it that this person needs? That is exactly what I want to do ... not necessarily what I am comfortable with but what THEY need. Is that notwhat the Savior did? He understands us and knows how to succor us. Follow the example of the Savior (what's new?).
Sorry, I feel tired today getting up at 445 to go to the temple. This week was up and down and up and down and up and down. This is the Lord's work and He is in charge of it. I love my Savior. I love learning more about Him each day in the scriptures. Ruego a pattern my life after his.
HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY MADELEINE! It was on Saturday that we talked to a woman in the street from Quebec named Madeleine (she had a heavy french accent) and it was such a joy to talk to her! Hope it was a happy one!
Happy week! Next week we have preparation day on monday because I am going to leadership training Tuesday-Friday 8am-4pm. It will be good! I enjoyed reading Mormoni 10 this week about gifts of the spirit! Much love! Hermana Clark
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
january 18
with her new companion Hermana Scott |
We went to Mari and Carlos' house Wednesday morning to say goodbye before Hna Mazareigos headed up to the mission office and we asked him if he would want to change his baptism to next Saturday ..... yes! Friday we went over the interview questions and Saturday he was interviewed and will be getting baptized this Saturday - 3 months (to the day) after his family got baptized! Ohhhhhhh man I cannot explain how excited we are! What changes we've seen in that family!
Last Tuesday we had a fireside with all the Relief Society in the stake given by the stake president. Oh how wonderful this fireside was. We worked hard at getting lots of investigators and less actives there. In the end, one came, the one who probably needed it the most. It was one of those firesides you leave and you call your mom crying and saying how much you love them - ie hard as a missionary to sit through. We mainly talked about the relationship between mother and daughter and what our Heavenly Father wants of us as mothers as well as daughters. President Bawden (don't know how to spell his name, sorry) got up there and just said something to the extent of, "I do not know exactly about this relationship between mother and daughter, but I will let you know that I learned about it a few years ago when the mother of my daughter passed away." Later on he recounted how while one of his sons was growing up, he told one of his priesthood leaders that his goal was something like scraping him out of satan's hands or something. 2 years ago his son called him 4th of july as he was grilling cheeseburgers. he had just put the cheese on and said, "eric, can i call you back?" and his son never answered the phone and committed suicide. Yeah, we understand that Pres Bawden understood a little about these important relationships. Women bore testimony of their role as mothers as well as ..... the spirit was very strong. It was a great meeting. There were three people there that just ... really needed to hear that.
This week felt like learn about the lives of missionaries with lots of changes and being around lots of them and I just feel like my heart is broken learning of the family situations while these missionaries are trying to serve faithfully! And how blessed I feel to have amazing, active parents who are doing all they can in their jobs, callings, and with our family. GRATITUD!
We found more families this week and saw miracles as they recognized something different in us, whereas in the past they wanted nothing to do with us. I continue to be AMAZED at the Lord's workings and how He prepares people to hear this message of truth.
This week I was studying Mormon and the beginning chapters are just horrific. I cannot imagine living in a world of complete iniquidad y mortandad! YUCK! being the only one (with his family???) living righteously. But que valor! I love Mormon 2:19 "y ay de mi por causa de sus iniquidades; porque mi corazon se ha visto lleno de pesar por razon de sus maldades, todos mis dias! No obstante, se que yo sere enaltecido en el postrer dia." that esperanza! along with the hope in others (in mormon's case, they had lost their chance of repenting, but that is NOT the case here in our lives!)!!!! Where is the light of Christ?
I love being with Hna Scott! There are some ways that we are very similar and it is cool to be together and learn from each other how to be even better! We are learning to be more bold and to be worthy of the Spirit! We reached our goals this past week and it was such a huge success! I love reaching and even succeeding goals made - espeically when you know you gave it your all.
There is so much more work here to do and though I know that day will come that I will not be here, I will do all I can to prepare people to receive the restored Gospel. The doctrine of Christ is something the missionary department wants us to really focus on. Teach the doctrine of Christ and it will help people understand WHY we ask them to do certain things.
The Spirit is the guide! We have no power with it. I love this work. I am so grateful to be a servant of the Lord. We are seeing peoples disposicion change. Next it will be a change of heart when they understand the doctrine of Christ! I love you all! have an amazing week and be facilitators of miracles by your faith! Love always, Hermana Clark

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
January 11
So the big news for this week is that Hermana Mazariegos is going to Payson, AZ. She felt very strongly she was going there so it wasn't a big shock. We prepared well and both feel very good about it and ready to start new with new companions. She will be with a Hna Mccinney who's been out since october and I'll be with Sister Hillary Scott. She came out about 10 months ago and was with her for a 3 day spurt with Hna Nielsen once. Oh yes Hermana Nielsen! We dropped her off at the mission office yesterday. Not going to lie kind of weird to do but not too bad. We were there long enough to say goodbyes and say hello to President and Sister Ellsworth (I just LOVE them!). This time transfers were all over and people are going places no one expected ..... but change is good! It helps us learn and grow! I am super excited to be with Sister Scott and she will be amazing in this area! I talked to her on the phone this morning and told her our branch will be having 100 baptisms this year ... so we're going to be working hard! Saweeeeeeeeet! Hna Mazariegos will be in a spanish branch up north .... and at this point I just feel sad that I can't go with her. I know she's just going to LOVE it .... aunque she doesn't like cold. This week we've just seen miracle after miracle when people hear she's going up there and she now has two pairs of boots, a jacket, gloves, and hat. People are nice to us here in Arizona!
To end her time here in Valencia, we had an AMAZING DAY YESTERDAY! Carlos is getting baptized the 29th of January! For 2 weeks now we've known all we need to do is ask him to be baptized and there hasn't been time with everything going on. But yesterday it was brilliant! We said the opening prayer and I asked myself, "is the spirit here," YES it was there and I knew it was going to be good. We met with 2 new families yesterday who both are just starving for the gospel! One family we met about a month ago. We were talking to his neighbor and we felt very strongly to go talk to him so we got his number and he said when we could come by. We went by and they opened the door with smiles and "Hermanas!" [Hint that's a good sign because 1. they know who we are and 2. they're still smiling] Then the dad blurted out .... you're here to convince me! You can just see how the mother is thirsting for the gospel. Her kids are so willing to learn! They love the Book of Mormon! weddingtism in about a month! We met with another woman last night who recognized the spirit very strongly last night and is excited to come to church. This week she will probably be moving and that only gives reason for her to meet more members to help her move with her 4 kids! We are seeing more and more miracles EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I am amazed and yet not surprised because this is the Lord's work and we are pleading to do it, more than ever, in His way.
Something I realized this week is that I have a hard time when someone doesn't want us .... I want to respect them and leave them be. Well .... my testimony that the gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone has grown immensely and one thing we've seen work miracles is simply entering their home and offering a pray. Having faith that they will recognize the spirit and notice something different. All we do is help people recognize the void in their life and fill it with the Spirit and the knowledge of the church of Jesus Christ. The Spirit does the rest. Just AMAZING. Yesterday I went to bed amazed and so grateful that we are seeing miracle after miracle after miracle! Hna Mazariegos and I have been studying Abinadi and his valor and valentia and ..... I don't know the words in english. [I am having more and more problems will that ...... not knowing words in english ..... but Hna Scott and I will have to be hard on ourselves to always speak spanish!] When they clearly didn't want him, he testified and gave his life as testimony! All that says to me is when God commands you to do something ... you do it! You know it by the Spirit! I cannot say this more but I want to be worthy of the Spirit, ALWAYS, no matter what I am doing. I want to be in an attitude of serving others, ALWAYS. There's no better feeling.
After Christmas lights we have a whole lot of referral that the Visitor Center calls and we get the opportunity to help with that. Last week we went to make calls and I asked Hna Mazariegos if I could call her parents. YEAHHHHH! So I talked to her mom and sister Maria! How fun it was to talk to them on the phone. They didnt' accept missionaries, todavia, but gave a referral of one of Hna Mazareigos cousin in California who did accept missionaries! Horray! Hearts are being softened all over! The day is not too far for them!
Last night two of the appointments we had were wonderful with 3 kids! One of them we asked them what would happen if they weren't on the boat with Noah (talking about prophets) and one of the boys blurted out "Se mojaron!" They'd get wet! With another family I showed them some pictures to see what they remembered about the Book of MOrmon and when we saw the picture of Joseph Smith the girl got really excited and said, "I know who that is ..... GEORGE WASHINGTON!" Anyway, we continue doing the work and enjoying each moment!
I love you all! K bien que todo va a estar en febrero!!! There's still lots to do here before that day comes though. We're seeing more support from the branch and reaching our goal will not be impossible, but will only be possibly by doing it the Lord's way! Ok well until next week! Good luck in school again this week Abby! Don't get too cold. I'll try and wear a sweater for you all ... as I'm basking in the 60 degree sunny (slight breeze) weather in Arizona! Thanks for your prayers and love and hard work. Love always, Hermana Clark
To end her time here in Valencia, we had an AMAZING DAY YESTERDAY! Carlos is getting baptized the 29th of January! For 2 weeks now we've known all we need to do is ask him to be baptized and there hasn't been time with everything going on. But yesterday it was brilliant! We said the opening prayer and I asked myself, "is the spirit here," YES it was there and I knew it was going to be good. We met with 2 new families yesterday who both are just starving for the gospel! One family we met about a month ago. We were talking to his neighbor and we felt very strongly to go talk to him so we got his number and he said when we could come by. We went by and they opened the door with smiles and "Hermanas!" [Hint that's a good sign because 1. they know who we are and 2. they're still smiling] Then the dad blurted out .... you're here to convince me! You can just see how the mother is thirsting for the gospel. Her kids are so willing to learn! They love the Book of Mormon! weddingtism in about a month! We met with another woman last night who recognized the spirit very strongly last night and is excited to come to church. This week she will probably be moving and that only gives reason for her to meet more members to help her move with her 4 kids! We are seeing more and more miracles EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I am amazed and yet not surprised because this is the Lord's work and we are pleading to do it, more than ever, in His way.
Something I realized this week is that I have a hard time when someone doesn't want us .... I want to respect them and leave them be. Well .... my testimony that the gospel of Jesus Christ is for everyone has grown immensely and one thing we've seen work miracles is simply entering their home and offering a pray. Having faith that they will recognize the spirit and notice something different. All we do is help people recognize the void in their life and fill it with the Spirit and the knowledge of the church of Jesus Christ. The Spirit does the rest. Just AMAZING. Yesterday I went to bed amazed and so grateful that we are seeing miracle after miracle after miracle! Hna Mazariegos and I have been studying Abinadi and his valor and valentia and ..... I don't know the words in english. [I am having more and more problems will that ...... not knowing words in english ..... but Hna Scott and I will have to be hard on ourselves to always speak spanish!] When they clearly didn't want him, he testified and gave his life as testimony! All that says to me is when God commands you to do something ... you do it! You know it by the Spirit! I cannot say this more but I want to be worthy of the Spirit, ALWAYS, no matter what I am doing. I want to be in an attitude of serving others, ALWAYS. There's no better feeling.
After Christmas lights we have a whole lot of referral that the Visitor Center calls and we get the opportunity to help with that. Last week we went to make calls and I asked Hna Mazariegos if I could call her parents. YEAHHHHH! So I talked to her mom and sister Maria! How fun it was to talk to them on the phone. They didnt' accept missionaries, todavia, but gave a referral of one of Hna Mazareigos cousin in California who did accept missionaries! Horray! Hearts are being softened all over! The day is not too far for them!
Last night two of the appointments we had were wonderful with 3 kids! One of them we asked them what would happen if they weren't on the boat with Noah (talking about prophets) and one of the boys blurted out "Se mojaron!" They'd get wet! With another family I showed them some pictures to see what they remembered about the Book of MOrmon and when we saw the picture of Joseph Smith the girl got really excited and said, "I know who that is ..... GEORGE WASHINGTON!" Anyway, we continue doing the work and enjoying each moment!
I love you all! K bien que todo va a estar en febrero!!! There's still lots to do here before that day comes though. We're seeing more support from the branch and reaching our goal will not be impossible, but will only be possibly by doing it the Lord's way! Ok well until next week! Good luck in school again this week Abby! Don't get too cold. I'll try and wear a sweater for you all ... as I'm basking in the 60 degree sunny (slight breeze) weather in Arizona! Thanks for your prayers and love and hard work. Love always, Hermana Clark
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
January 4
Ok sorry I don't have too much time because I had wayyyyyy too much fun reading your letters and talking to missionaries!!!! Sorrrrry! This morning we also went to lunch at a pizza shop that actually has GOOD pizza here and I had a diet coke. yum!
New Years Eve was fun because we all sang as a whole mission. The only problem was that IT WAS ABOUT 30 DEGREES OUTSIDE! Yikes it was cold! The song I directed though went really well and I'm not gonna lie .... it was definitely my favorite of all the ones sung. "What Child is This" After the elder that put it all together came to me and said, "wow that was really good .... that WAS a hard song but you guys did a great job" Oh what joy! The truth is that I couldn't feel my hands while I was directing and there wasn't a light on the stand so while directing I barely knew where we were in the song ..... too funny but way fun to direct a song! I couldn't help but smile while they were singing!! After we all ate dinner and it was soooooo fun to see missionaries I haven't seen in a while and possibly won't see again.
We had a MIRACLE OR MIRACLES this week. There's a less active who we've passed by .... many missionaries have passed by.... Mom, Dad is in jail, 4 boys. Less actives for years since dad's been in jail. Mom won't even let us in because she's decided she likes the baptist church better. Well we're at church early and she comes out of the English ward's sacrament ....FRANCIS!!!!!!! Wow her heart has been softened. Things have happened very precisely in her life recently so that she is seeing the Lord's hand guiding her. While reading LdM esta manana I just fell inlove with 3 Nefi 18:32. I loved the talk entitled, "vengan a mi con integro proposito de corazon y yo los sanare" por el elder Kearon of the 70. Oh I just loved that scripture though ..... you NEVER stop praying, visiting, loving people. I think of that for one of our investigators. The mother was baptized with her whole family when she was 8 and they're all less active. Now they are learning about the church again and discovering God's ways. It will take some time but I am so excited for them to embrace the gospel and see more blessings as they are obedient to God's commanments. Pedro and Marialena, old couple who have lost lots of people, oh I just love them and want them to recognize this great message! They are Catholic but I know the Spirit is touching them when we're there (except when he is drinking his wine .......). [Speaking of we had champagne for new years eve. Of course, alcohol free. Kind of funny though when you're at members house and they get really excited when they remember they have champagne and want to share it with the missionaries.]
New Years Day was fun with the zone. I'm not gonna lie though, I'm so tired! I've started dreaming hard core and every morning I hear the alarm and just say, "get up get up get up" or I think I could sleep all day. Teaching is DEFINITELY the best medicine for being tired. We gave a LdM to a woman the other day at her door. Fine if she doesn't want to let us in her door, but she can read the LdM!
One of my favorite things about the mission is when you're meeting someone or you're in a lesson or anything .... and you testify of a principle and the Spirit testifies to me of it. We watched a short movie of Pres Monson and I just can't deny that he is a prophet! We also watching a talk from E Bednar from abril 2009 on temples ..... I just love when the Spirit is strong and opens the way to learn exactly when we need to learn in that moment. I pray for that each day with the people we meet and are teaching and serving.
Saturday we find out about transfers. We feel like Hna M will go but I'm NEVER right so who knows .... how great would it be to finish up with her!!!!!! It's like everyday we find new things to laugh about - Wananos after practicing saying "walmart" or "ayudame Clark!" I just love her!! We will see. Or Hna Juarez return with me? In any case, it's in the Lord's hands.
I love each of you! Christmas sounded like a blast all together, especially with the snow. I've been loving the cold weather here - I so miss it! But my blood is thin so it gets to me faster! Anyway, love love! Happy 2011! con mucho amor, Hermana Clark
New Years Eve was fun because we all sang as a whole mission. The only problem was that IT WAS ABOUT 30 DEGREES OUTSIDE! Yikes it was cold! The song I directed though went really well and I'm not gonna lie .... it was definitely my favorite of all the ones sung. "What Child is This" After the elder that put it all together came to me and said, "wow that was really good .... that WAS a hard song but you guys did a great job" Oh what joy! The truth is that I couldn't feel my hands while I was directing and there wasn't a light on the stand so while directing I barely knew where we were in the song ..... too funny but way fun to direct a song! I couldn't help but smile while they were singing!! After we all ate dinner and it was soooooo fun to see missionaries I haven't seen in a while and possibly won't see again.
We had a MIRACLE OR MIRACLES this week. There's a less active who we've passed by .... many missionaries have passed by.... Mom, Dad is in jail, 4 boys. Less actives for years since dad's been in jail. Mom won't even let us in because she's decided she likes the baptist church better. Well we're at church early and she comes out of the English ward's sacrament ....FRANCIS!!!!!!! Wow her heart has been softened. Things have happened very precisely in her life recently so that she is seeing the Lord's hand guiding her. While reading LdM esta manana I just fell inlove with 3 Nefi 18:32. I loved the talk entitled, "vengan a mi con integro proposito de corazon y yo los sanare" por el elder Kearon of the 70. Oh I just loved that scripture though ..... you NEVER stop praying, visiting, loving people. I think of that for one of our investigators. The mother was baptized with her whole family when she was 8 and they're all less active. Now they are learning about the church again and discovering God's ways. It will take some time but I am so excited for them to embrace the gospel and see more blessings as they are obedient to God's commanments. Pedro and Marialena, old couple who have lost lots of people, oh I just love them and want them to recognize this great message! They are Catholic but I know the Spirit is touching them when we're there (except when he is drinking his wine .......). [Speaking of we had champagne for new years eve. Of course, alcohol free. Kind of funny though when you're at members house and they get really excited when they remember they have champagne and want to share it with the missionaries.]
New Years Day was fun with the zone. I'm not gonna lie though, I'm so tired! I've started dreaming hard core and every morning I hear the alarm and just say, "get up get up get up" or I think I could sleep all day. Teaching is DEFINITELY the best medicine for being tired. We gave a LdM to a woman the other day at her door. Fine if she doesn't want to let us in her door, but she can read the LdM!
One of my favorite things about the mission is when you're meeting someone or you're in a lesson or anything .... and you testify of a principle and the Spirit testifies to me of it. We watched a short movie of Pres Monson and I just can't deny that he is a prophet! We also watching a talk from E Bednar from abril 2009 on temples ..... I just love when the Spirit is strong and opens the way to learn exactly when we need to learn in that moment. I pray for that each day with the people we meet and are teaching and serving.
Saturday we find out about transfers. We feel like Hna M will go but I'm NEVER right so who knows .... how great would it be to finish up with her!!!!!! It's like everyday we find new things to laugh about - Wananos after practicing saying "walmart" or "ayudame Clark!" I just love her!! We will see. Or Hna Juarez return with me? In any case, it's in the Lord's hands.
I love each of you! Christmas sounded like a blast all together, especially with the snow. I've been loving the cold weather here - I so miss it! But my blood is thin so it gets to me faster! Anyway, love love! Happy 2011! con mucho amor, Hermana Clark
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
December 28
Surpringly enough, there was a big change for us about an hour or two after I hung up. President Ellsworth called to say that Hermana Juarez is going to be in an english area and working in the visitor center for now. NOOOOOOOOOO! I'm not gonna lie I was way bummed. Though the last month has been pretty much, nothing short of insane, i felt kind of robbed having her taken away from us! My child! I felt like that woman in the bible that the lord asked to give up her son to serve in the temple (one day I'll learn bible stories ......) literally ... now she's serving in the temple. mi hija! Sister Everette, her new companion, was with her at BYU-I do (as she says it!) though and they were in the same ward and had a number of classes together .... so they're super excited to be together! just a little hard to hear the news, kill a totally chill Christmas, pack her up and send her off. She is serving in our stake though, actually part of our area ... so it's kind of funny. They're in our district. And for all we know ... she could come back in 2 weeks, but whatever the Lord has in store is ok with me. The past few days have been super sad. The Gordon's had lots of family for christmas too, and within 12 hours everyone left and suddenly it's just ... empty! Only Hna Mazariegos and I ... what do we do? Kind of funny to be back together again but it's fun! I just love her and I feel like the two of us alone work very differently than we did as a threesome. We work differently now though from the things we learned from Hna Juarez! We're SO grateful for our time with her ... and I feel like I talk about her as if she died ..... but she's close! last night was her first night working in the visitor center and she totally blew all the sisters out of the water with how many referrals she got from people ..... figures - she works miracles! The whole mission will be blessed with her working everynight of christmas lights and not just a few! It's a good change because it came from the Lord, but I won't say it wasn't hard.
Christmas was fun, especially with our matching pajamas! Elephant gift exchange, breakfast with the Gordon's (waffles and strawberries .... YUM), lunch with the Larson's (STEAK and biscuits and gravy .... YUM!). TALKING TO YOU GUYS! That night we made Seviche (that's food) with Maria and Beto (investigators that are moving) and chocolate chip cookies. Fun fun but sad they're moving this week to another area! I would say it was a good day but it felt so ..... lazy. I definitely enjoyed the caroling and Christmas spirit more than the actual day. Oh yeah and the night before we helped the Duartes, familia in the branch that live down the street .... make tomales. I did something with the masa and apparently worked wonders because it only took 10 minutes to mix until it would float when a little piece was put in water. Hna Duarte even gave me a big hug! Yeah, I felt pretty cool after that!
Yesterday, while directing a song practice, we received several desperate phone calls from our branch leaders, "Hnas .... this family .... they need to get baptized. It doesn't matter they're moving ... if they get married and baptized this week they can stay in the branch and move back soon." All I have to say is we have great leaders who love people and don't want to see them leave. The only problem here is that THEY are the ones that ultimately decide what they want to do. We don't really think so, but we'll see!
Carlos came to church this week! It's been about 3 months since we've been asking him every week what we can do to help him come to church!!!!! Wahoo!!!! Each of us are seeing huge changes in him and we are soooo excited! He's putting his guard down, that we all have with new things, and is much more excited to have us come over and teach him!
We ate dinner with a family in the branch this week with 5 daughrters, a boy is on the way! While eating and waiting for the banana bread to come out of the oven, I felt impressed to talk about BoM story charades! hahaha it was fun to help them see the BoM isn't totally boring (the five girls are 10-20 yrs old) and talk about the importance of the stories after acting them out! Promptings from the spirit come in all forms!
Funny thought this week. We were given cookies from people this week. They look absolutely delicious but I think there's something wrong with the frosting and there's always a really bitter .... not great taste at the end. the beginning of the cookie is awesome but the after taste is terrible. Well I noticed it after the first cookie but refused to believe it because they looked SO RIDICULOUSLY DELICIOUS. Well I am sad to say, that after about 7 or 8 cookies, they are still not so good in the end. I thought it was so funny I kept eating them, kept hoping, "this one will be good." Made me think of Satan and how no matter what, no matter how good he makes something look .... you can't deny in the end it's bad! It just is! It'll never be good! Finally, I told my companions about it and they just laughed and asked me why I kept the temptation infront of me? Throw them out! What are companions for ..... helping you stay away from sin .... throwing out cookies .... all in the day of a missionary :)
Love you all! Glad the Christmas was wonderful - white christmas? Blizzard Christmas? And yes Spencer, you can be Elizabeth JUST THIS ONCE. :) Love you all! I felt loved receiving lots of cards from people for christmas!! Until next week! 2011??? YIKES!
con mucho amor, Hermana Clark
Christmas was fun, especially with our matching pajamas! Elephant gift exchange, breakfast with the Gordon's (waffles and strawberries .... YUM), lunch with the Larson's (STEAK and biscuits and gravy .... YUM!). TALKING TO YOU GUYS! That night we made Seviche (that's food) with Maria and Beto (investigators that are moving) and chocolate chip cookies. Fun fun but sad they're moving this week to another area! I would say it was a good day but it felt so ..... lazy. I definitely enjoyed the caroling and Christmas spirit more than the actual day. Oh yeah and the night before we helped the Duartes, familia in the branch that live down the street .... make tomales. I did something with the masa and apparently worked wonders because it only took 10 minutes to mix until it would float when a little piece was put in water. Hna Duarte even gave me a big hug! Yeah, I felt pretty cool after that!
Yesterday, while directing a song practice, we received several desperate phone calls from our branch leaders, "Hnas .... this family .... they need to get baptized. It doesn't matter they're moving ... if they get married and baptized this week they can stay in the branch and move back soon." All I have to say is we have great leaders who love people and don't want to see them leave. The only problem here is that THEY are the ones that ultimately decide what they want to do. We don't really think so, but we'll see!
Carlos came to church this week! It's been about 3 months since we've been asking him every week what we can do to help him come to church!!!!! Wahoo!!!! Each of us are seeing huge changes in him and we are soooo excited! He's putting his guard down, that we all have with new things, and is much more excited to have us come over and teach him!
We ate dinner with a family in the branch this week with 5 daughrters, a boy is on the way! While eating and waiting for the banana bread to come out of the oven, I felt impressed to talk about BoM story charades! hahaha it was fun to help them see the BoM isn't totally boring (the five girls are 10-20 yrs old) and talk about the importance of the stories after acting them out! Promptings from the spirit come in all forms!
Funny thought this week. We were given cookies from people this week. They look absolutely delicious but I think there's something wrong with the frosting and there's always a really bitter .... not great taste at the end. the beginning of the cookie is awesome but the after taste is terrible. Well I noticed it after the first cookie but refused to believe it because they looked SO RIDICULOUSLY DELICIOUS. Well I am sad to say, that after about 7 or 8 cookies, they are still not so good in the end. I thought it was so funny I kept eating them, kept hoping, "this one will be good." Made me think of Satan and how no matter what, no matter how good he makes something look .... you can't deny in the end it's bad! It just is! It'll never be good! Finally, I told my companions about it and they just laughed and asked me why I kept the temptation infront of me? Throw them out! What are companions for ..... helping you stay away from sin .... throwing out cookies .... all in the day of a missionary :)
Love you all! Glad the Christmas was wonderful - white christmas? Blizzard Christmas? And yes Spencer, you can be Elizabeth JUST THIS ONCE. :) Love you all! I felt loved receiving lots of cards from people for christmas!! Until next week! 2011??? YIKES!
con mucho amor, Hermana Clark
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