Seferino's baptism
We found out a lot about our neighborhood this week. Aparently, [we've never seen him but we are hoping to soon!] John Travolta, or as they call them, "Uncle John" hangs out just 2 houses down from us on a regular basis. He's friends with our neighbors and he plays with their kids. In case you were wondering, we're being taken care of if a movie star is coming to visit. We live in a palace.
Elbia and Manuel. OH they are so exciting to teach! Elbia sits there and is so surprised to see all this change in Manuel. Manuel can't stop smiling. It's contagious! They both committed to be baptized the 4th of septiembre!!! WAHOOO! Both understanding, they will have to make a few changes in their lives. We taught Manuel la palabra de sabiduria and he has not drank and smoked once and then remembered and didn't smoke again. Elbia was a little upset to hear she can't drink coffee and tea in the winter [because it's sooooo cold here! it does .... for native arizonians! 60 is freeeeezing!] but last night I testified to her and she said, "oh honey, I know this is a commandment." Manuel was also able to come to a baptism on Saturday and a fireside on Sunday. He just LOVES it all. He can't get enough.
Baptism on Saturday was for a man you might remember (prob not ... I never remembered who missionaries were teaching). Hna Nielsen and I taught him back in January. That was after Hna Ghan taught him .... twice .... and Hna Nielsen and Voigt taught him. Since us Hna Ladd, McBride, Rodeo, and Nishiguchi, and a set of elders have taught him. He has officially been baptized! I will remind you how it ended with us though ..... he yelled at us and said he doesn't want to be a part of this church. He was offended by something a member did during the lesson and .... a number of other things. So, quite a different story seeing him get baptized. We pray he continues and strengths his testimony and knowledge of our loving Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Right after he got baptized, Manuel, with a smile, said, "I like it" in english! He's great! Oh yeah and to get him there .... we probably called 10 p[eople ... and finally went to dinner and the father spoke spanish and could bring him. Miralces happen!
Fireside was put on by an english ward in the other stake we serve in. They were SUPPPPPER excited to do this and it was a success. It wasn't a huge turn out, but those who came were greatly enriched, as well as those who shared their testimonies. We had 6 people there who we are teaching or have taught (one part member family, in particular). Horray for the spirit and for hard work in helping people! I also played my favorite "yo se que vive mi senor" efy version. I love that song .... english and spanish! Even more now!
We met with an english ward mission leader this week. Apparently there has been a huge road block between our branch and this english ward, though we both cover a huge apartment complex. I have been reading chapter 13 and realizing that these relationships with leaders are crucial for the work to move forward. This english ward has really put their feet in this apartment complex and do lots of activities and such. Why have we not been a part of this .... most of the people that live there speak spanish anyway? They did a Thanksgiving potluck last year and Bishop Louden was to the side. A little girl (7 or 8) came up to him and said thank you so much for the food. I haven't eaten for 2 days and this makes me feel much better. OH! They have home teachers assigned to each building in the complex (about 25 buildings) and they make visits .... basically as friends and share a message of Christ each time. Once again, a blessing of serving in Arizona with SO MANY GREAT MEMBERS! Horray!
That is all I can think of. We struggled this week on being motivated as both of us started feeling sick. Not cool but again, it gave us an opportunity to repent, change, and improve.
OH how did I forget? Zone Conference this week. Way different and soooo good! I feel like a different person after Zone Conference. We are extending baptismal dates on the first lesson .... if it is not done with the Spirit, they will throw it in your face. If the Spirit is there .... hence how we should always be teaching .... if they are ready they will accept and prepare. We will find those who are ready. We haven't found Juan Herrera but still praying for him.
Love you all! Here are some pictures! PS yesterday we ate dinner with a woman who was mission companions with the missionary who found my MTC companions parents and brought them to the gospel. The world is sooooooo small. Love you all! Hermana Clark
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